Our Work

Educational Efforts

We at Fairness PA are dedicated to promoting equality and fostering nondiscrimination principles in Pennsylvania so that the LGBTQ community can be open, honest and safe at home, at work, and in their communities across the state.

That means we must continuously educate Pennsylvanians about the realities facing the LGBTQ community. Our educational programming includes a wide range of platforms – from sharing stories on social media to assisting local communities in their efforts to protect their citizens.

We believe that everyone should be given the opportunity to “rise to fairness,” and our organization’s educational efforts offer every person and every community just that – the chance to learn about the real lives of their LGBTQ neighbors, family and friends.

Click here to donate to Fairness Pennsylvania Institute.

Legislative Advocacy

As the statewide LGBTQ civil rights organization, Fairness leads the advocacy efforts at the Pennsylvania State Capitol during the PA Legislative Session and year round.

We continue to fight for the passage of legislation like the Fairness Act, which would ban discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations in Pennsylvania, and to defeat legislative attacks on our rights.

We work one-on-one with legislators, providing individual Senators and Delegates as well as Senate and House Committees with the facts and context needed to properly consider legislation that may impact the LGBTQ community in the Keystone State. We host an annual Lobby Day that showcases our broad and diverse coalition and provides opportunities for citizens to meet directly with legislators.

Click here to donate to Fairness Pennsylvania.